Belgian competition 2020 – 2021

For the upcoming season the pool of Antwerp has been rented on the following dates:

  • 11-10-2020
  • 13-12-2020
  • 31-01-2021
  • 28-02-2021
  • 28-03-2021

Mark them in your calendars. How we will organise and arrange the competition this year is still unclear. A new competition council will have to be formed with the support of Lifras AND Nelos.

For now however we would propose to organise a mixed tournament the first day in Antwerp. This gives us some time to organise the rest!

Belgian mixed tournament 2020

The idea is simple. Everyone who wants to play fills in the form below, gets mixed into a team and will play some hockey!

The players will be mixed into teams as equal as we can do it. Not an easy task but we will give it a go with your help. We’ll ask all players when they subscribe to rate themselves. We will ask the club manager to do the same thing. We will then try to mix the teams together so the average rating of the teams is the same and the positions are more or less devided amongst forwards and backs. If possible we will also try to have at least 2 players of the same club in 1 mixed team.

Some practical information:

  • Date of the tournament 11-10-2020
  • Deadline for the subscription is 27/09 (form below this article)
  • Start around 13:00 – end to be announced
  • Swimming pool De Wezenberg in Antwerp
  • More info?

Who will organise this?

In order to make this tournament happening we will need to get some work done. People need to step up and get some work done.

Communication – Niels (Orca)
This means updating this website and keeping in touch with the club managers. Making sure all mailinglists are up-to-date and no one is forgotten.

Location – Alexander (CVD)
We can’t play without a pool. We need someone that is in contact with the pool.

Lifeguards – Quentin (BUWH)
The swimming pool has been arranged by CVD but we can’t use it unless there are lifeguards present. These lifeguards need a valid diploma AND bring it with them to the pool.

Schedule – Andy (Orca)
Self-explanatory, we need a schedule and ranking after the games are played.

Referees – Kristof (Orca)
The teams will have to referee after their games but someone needs to know the rules 110% and be able to intervene in case of dispute.

Equipment – Alexis (BUWH)
We need equipment to play! Someone needs to be responsible for:

  • Goals
  • Referee personal equipment (main and water)
  • Tables and chairs
  • Pucks
  • Barrier underwater
  • Barrier above water
  • Sound System (CVD)

Fun & Food – Stefanie (Zwarte Zwanen)
It’s maybe less crucial then all of the above to play underwaterhockey but in order to have a nice day we’ll have to make sure everyone’s belly is full! No hangry players (Hungry + Angry :-))
Feel free to fill this in like you want it! Something during the competition? Something after?


It goes without saying that if due to Corona-regulations the tournament or competition can not proceed it will be cancelled and moved to the next date of the list on top of this article.

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